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5 Common Causes of Residential Generator Repairs in Huntsville, AL

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A standby residential generator for most homeowners is a costly purchase. The price of new generators often runs into thousands of dollars, which is why it is important to keep the generator in a running condition through regular maintenance and repairs.

Not contacting a professional generator repair company in Huntsville, AL will result in generator problems. Understanding the reasons generators fail to operate is important, so that it can be kept in proper condition.

1. Fuel or Oil Leakage

Generators require fuel and oil to operate properly. A leak in the fuel line or oil pipes will lead to the generator taking damage. The fuel is the lifeblood of a generator. A generator will fail to operate if the oil or gasoline is low due to a leak.

A fuel or oil leak can be detected during routine maintenance. Professional technicians can identify leaks and perform the necessary repairs. This will prevent generator engine damage due to low fuel or oil.

2. Worn Out Battery

Most modern generators have a battery that is required for starting the engine. A worn-out battery won’t be able to start a generator. A generator won’t start if the battery dies or the connection has become loose. Additionally, a build-up of sulfate on the battery connections will prevent the generator to start.

Always get the battery checked during routine maintenance. A battery should also be replaced every three to five years. This is important to ensure that you have backup power in case of a blackout due to storm or any other severe reason.

3. Over Fuel

Most generators are designed to operate at a rated output between 70 to 90 percent. When the generators operate below the capacity, the engine can get damaged due to wet stack or over fuel.

Over fuel results in the accumulation of lube oil, unburned fuel, and carbon particles in the exhaust system. A generator that wet stacks will have to be operated for a few hours on full load to burn off excess fuel.

In case a generator is running below the ideal load, you should contact your local generator company for installing an automatic load bank. This will create a false load on the generator keeping it properly loaded to prevent the over fuel problem.

4. Dirty Filter

A dirty filter is another common reason behind engine failure. Filters accumulate dust, dirt, and other types of debris around the generator. They can get clogged over time and require cleaning or replacement.

If the filters are not cleaned, airflow to the generator will be restricted. This will put stress on the generator that will result in accelerated wear and tear. You must contact a professional generator repair technician to clean or replace the filter as appropriate to avoid generator failure.

5. Air in the Fuel Line

A common problem in generators that are not operated regularly is air getting in the fuel tank. This is most often seen in standby residential generators operate a few days in a year. The presence of air in the fuel line will prevent the engine from working properly.

To avoid this problem, you should operate the generator at least once a week. This will allow any trapped air bubbles to work out of the fuel lines.

The last thing you want is a generator that won’t start during a blackout. You should get your generator serviced regularly by an expert generator technician.

Generac Superstore offers generator maintenance and repair services. We also offer new generator sales and after services. Contact us by dialing at (855) 880-1880 if you want generator repairs in Huntsville, AL. We offer residential and commercial generator installation, maintenance, and repair services to residents of Huntsville and Birmingham, AL, and Nashville, TN.


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