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Importance of Fuel Types in Generator Performance

The type of fuel plays a vital role in determining Huntsville generator performance. This is one of the prime reasons why comparisons are made before selecting a generator for commercial or residential use. While there are a number of factors that influence the selection of respective fuel types in generators, one of the most crucial ones is that each fuel provides a different output and life for the machine altogether.

There are three main types of fuel sources in which generators are available. These include gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. Each of them has their own benefits and drawbacks. Moreover, they are responsible for variable performances in the generators that they power. Some generators might be able to function on both gasoline and natural gas, but then again, a difference in performance ensues.


This is the most preferred fuel source among the three. It is liquid, and this is the biggest advantage it has over other types of fuel. Also, because it is liquid, it offers effective combustion and, therefore, enhanced generator performance. Moreover, the liquid formula of the fuel ensures that it increases the overall life of a generator significantly. The engine costs of these machines are low and so is the installation cost for smaller sizes.

However, the environmental impacts and fire safety ratings for the fuel are quite poor. It is also not very easy to store, and if you leave it inside the reservoir for too long, it creates deposits that depreciate performance levels.

Natural gas

Experts use the analogy of air vs. water to describe the impact of natural gas on generator performance. Hydration is important, but natural gas still serves as an effective fuel in residential generators primarily. It has excellent storage and fire safety ratings as well as abundant availability. There is no need to store it because there is a consistent supply of it to most residential and commercial spaces. Furthermore, it doesn’t stay inside the generator like liquid fuel.

Natural gas burns cleanly without any harmful by-products like gasoline, but the engine life and costs are quite low with this type of fuel.


This is by far the most used fuel source for larger commercial generators. It is effective in allowing Huntsville generators to produce large outputs because the combustion process yields enormous amounts of energy. It is safer in terms of fire and other accidents, but there are a large number of drawbacks associated with it.

Diesel, like gasoline, is difficult to store. It has a huge impact on the environment, especially if you miss a few generator maintenance checks. The generator can start to develop huge black clouds of exhaust. It does provide excellent engine life, but the availability of diesel is low.


The choice of which generator fuel source is best for your needs is a decision that rests entirely on you. Take advice from a Huntsville generator specialist on which generator will suit you best. Question them extensively about each fuel type and make sure that you’re making the right choice in this regard.


For more information on picking the perfect new generator for your home or business, reach out to us today. We can help you make the decision based on your needs.


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