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What To Consider Before Buying a New Generator for Your Home

energy generatorsHave you been keeping up with the crazy weather happening around the country over the past year? If so, then you know that nothing seems to make sense weather-wise anymore. What used to be normal is now the exception, and what used to be the exception now seems to be the rule. If you want to stop taking chances and get prepared for whatever comes next, a new generator for your home may be a great option. Here are a few things to think about prior to buying one.

What Type of Need Does Your Huntsville Home Have in Terms of Power?

When considering the size and type of generator you want for your Huntsville home, you need to consider how much power you can get for your budget. Think about it in terms of what necessities you have first. You want to keep your fridge and freezer going, then likely your comfort source, like your furnace or air conditioning. Beyond that, what does your home specifically need? If you were to be without power for a few days, what would you need most during that time? Once you have those needs narrowed down, you can get a better idea of what size generator you need.

What Options Will You Have for Fuel if You Need to Use It?

There are four options when it comes to most generators. The first, gasoline, is rarely used. This is because gasoline has a very short time span of being safe to use. It can become dangerous to use after a short time, so you would need to go out and get a new batch each time you needed to use your generator. The other three options are much more stable for long-term use. They include diesel fuel, propane gas, and natural gas. Propane is often considered the best because you can have a small tank near your generator that can last for a long time. If your natural gas lines are disrupted the same as your power, it would mean your generator would not work as well.

What Location Around Your Home Would Be Best for Your New Generator?

This is something that often takes careful consideration plus talking to the expert installation technician to figure out. You may have a few ideas of where to put it, such as your garage or a shed. However, not all locations are considered safe to house a generator. Plus, the size of the generator you buy will also impact where it can go on your property. If you have a small garage and buy a large generator, this could make your garage unusable for storing your vehicle. Plus, you also want it high enough in case your home was to flood, so it could still work. Then there are coding issues you also need to adhere to. This is why a professional’s help is so important.

What Type of Connectors and Attachments Do You Need?

There are many different attachments and connectors that you can get for residential generators. You need to figure out what you believe you will use your generator for, then figure out if you need extra attachments for it. You want it near to where the power of your house or appliances can be easily switched to the generator when necessary, so make sure to store all of your attachments in the same general area. That way, when the time comes to use it, you have everything centrally located within easy reach.

For more information on picking the perfect new generator for your home, reach out to us today. We can help you make the decision based on your needs.


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